Current Assistant Principal for Academics but has taught all levels of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, forensic science, biotechnology, and environmental science
Ryan B.
Loyola Blakefield High School
Teaches the following AVLI course
What's your favorite part about teaching AVLI courses?
I love the amazing creativity that students employ when engineering at home. The students create remarkable artifacts and show great tenacity in problem solving.
What advice would you give to students considering taking an AVLI course or their parents?
Lean in. Get to know your teacher and your classmates. Set aside specific time for assignments and coursework. Share your experiences early and often with your virtual classmates as well as your in-person friends.
What PD opportunities have you participated in and what was your experience?
I participated in the AVLI Summer Institute in 2023. It was centered around the impact that AI would have on virtual and in-person instruction. It was both challenging and consoling at the same time. I was encouraged by the great strategies shared and the solidarity of my fellow educators in adapting to this new tool.
More on Ryan's AVLI Experience
As a school administrator, I also work with the Administration team from AVLI to provide courses for remediation and advancement for our in-person students. The AVLI staff are prompt in their communications, professional, service and solution oriented. The best in the virtual education realm that I have worked with.