Since our founding in 2008, our vision has been the same - to empower Catholic schools to be their best through the use of technology and a spirit of collaboration.

Ours is a simple story. For the better part of two decades, we have existed to serve schools. We always have, and we always will. We ARE NOT an online school. Nor are we out to lead an educational revolution. Rather, by working collaboratively within and alongside our member schools providing online student and teacher programming, our goal is to spark an evolution. Our objective is renewal and growth within our schools.
We are non-profit. This is not to say that for-profit companies are of lesser value. We simply recognize that by being able to separate a program or aspiration from its profit capacity we're able to say "yes" more often.
Lastly, though we are technically based in Omaha, Nebraska, we exist solely in the ether. Our only physical assets are our people. Our model of collaboration works because it allows us to tap talent where talent exists. We have a small diffuse leadership team and a corps of dedicated teachers and collaborators whose gifts align with the needs of others. Such a model allows us to know our schools and for them to know us.

Why Arrupe?
Fr. Pedro Arrupe believed in the power of relationships, writing, "In every person, with all of his or her concrete circumstances, there is a value that does not depend on me, but that makes that person like me. God is within the other, with his love, waiting for me. And this is a call I cannot neglect." Keeping learning about Arrupe below.
What We Value
Our schools are looking to innovate in ways that enrich students’ experiences and expand horizons. They want to do more to serve their communities and the Church. Our desire is to be an agent for building a virtual world of encounter rather than anonymity.

The Arrupe Way
Our schools deserve and can expect a steady, relentless pursuit of improvement embodied in The Arrupe Way's core tenets of engagement, communication and assessment.
Servant Leadership
We must be willing to explore with our member schools innovative approaches to teaching and learning that capture the imagination of students, teachers, and benefactors.
Why Arrupe?
It's pronounced ə·RŪ·pā. Pedro Arrupe is our patron and namesake because of his profound influence on education and his unique understanding of what it means to be human.